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Developing a Champion Mindset


In the midst of Olympic season Rio 2016 we think of champions as those on the podium winning medals. Yes, that is how we generally perceive a champion, one who wins something or espouses a cause. But as an entrepreneur, do you know that you become a champion the day you decide to become an entrepreneur?

You don’t become a champion on the day you receive your gold medal. You become a champion the day you decide to go for the gold. You have to overcome mental obstacles and then make a decision, which is usually one of the biggest hurdles most people encounter. The goal of champions is to win, but….

Winning is a long process. So what is the motivation to keep going – the thunderous applause that you may hear ten years in the future, the promise of endorsements that you may get, if you win, standing on a podium years from now…? How do you go into a gym day in and day out, no crowds, no cheers, no anthem, no medals, with no guarantees?

First of all, get over the idea of getting a guarantee – it does not exist! No guarantee? No guarantee! Face this fact and you will be well on your way to developing a champion mindset. But although there is no guarantee, you still need to believe that there is. This may seem contradictory, but the former makes you work as hard as you can and the latter propels and inspires you forward to maximize your potential.

Entrepreneurs, like athletes, have absolutely no guarantee of success. But the idea is to greatly increase your probability of success. The “guarantee” comes from increasing the “probability”, and after doing so the likelihood of success is practically inevitable. The question then is how do we increase our probability of success and remain motivated during the process? Having a champion mindset allows this to be possible.

Here are some tips to developing and maintaining a champion mindset:

1) Set the specific date to achieve your goal – yes, you must have an actual date otherwise you push the goal out there until…whenever…. Fix a date certain! For example, on August 15, 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - I will compete in______ and win a ______!

2) Be clear on what it takes to succeed and do it – If my goal is to win Olympic Gold but I don’t train, then my success probability is basically zero. If indeed you are training for a sport, or anything for that matter, just because you may not see short-term results does not mean you are not making progress – know what it takes and pace yourself.

3) Know what motivates and gratifies you – The goal itself is often insufficient, a propelling force has to drive you to achieve and look past obstacles or deterrents.What will keep you going on the days you truly want to quit, but will still make you smile? Being able to actually experience your full success before it fully happens is also motivation. The feeling of getting closer is gratifying and the impact you are having along the way – the lives you inspire.

Two distinct timeframes of gratification:(1) instant – driven by the knowledge of daily accomplishment and inspiration of yourself and others, and(2) delayed – when you finally arrive at that date that you fixed long ago and you have achieved your goal.This continuum is all the more reason to enjoy the process and the journey.

4) Finally, champions know how to chill – Look at Usain Bolt doing the samba in Rio! He can afford to enjoy the moment because he has put in the work and then some. True champions keep the cool and develop a calm and steady confidence knowing that their diligence and hard work will bear fruit.

No matter what amount of unpredictability may come their way, they will handle it with aplomb and react with a champion mindset.

#GoBolt! #GoSimone! and all the Olympians who inspire us to know what is possible!

Now, it’s time to celebrate - #CasauriStyle!You’re invited to our first ever Facebook LIVE Casauri Bag Party, featuring bags of champions, special discounts, and copious doses of the champion mindset! Come join us this Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 12:00 Noon (EST) at - tell your friends and family they’re invited too as we celebrate the champion mindset, entrepreneurs, back to school, back to work, or back to the gym… 2020 here we come!